Summer Flowers
Flowers are one of the best ways to spruce up your landscaping for the summer season. Here are our top 5 summer flowers to make any house really pop!
1. Zinnia
Ranging in a wide variety of colors, Zinnias are a popular option to bring annual color to your beds. Not only grown for their showy flowers, they also attract birds and butterflies to your garden. Many Zinnias can be used as cut flowers too!
2. Coleus
Want to bring unique color to your beds without having to incorporate numerous flowers? Coleus would be your go-to choice! They come in a variety of variegated options with a few being shown in the picture. Able to thrive in both shade and sun, this plant could be used in any of your projects.
3. Begonia
Big showy flowers with waxy leaves that bloom until frost attract many of us to Begonias. Like Coleus, these are offered in both sun and shade varieties so you can use them in your beds or as a houseplant. They’re low maintenance and come in a variety of sizes.
4. Impatiens
Bring subtle beauty to your flowerbeds by incorporating Impatiens. This shade loving plant comes in a variety of colors. With no major insect or disease problems, it’s a great low maintenance option. Some new sun variety Impatiens are available as well.
5. Pentas
Pentas are a great choice for those wanting a consistent height and dense clusters of flowers that will bloom all the way through frost. The bright color of the flowers pops next to the dark green foliage. Best grown in full sun, Pentas are extremely durable and love the heat. Use as a border in your flowerbed or in container plantings!